14:49 | 05.09.13 | News | 3625

According to an international study, Orange continues being the quality-leading mobile internet network in Armenia

For the second time Orange Armenia has been recognized as the leading 3G+ mobile internet network in Armenia, according to the study conducted by the independent “P3 Communications” German consulting firm.

The study, based on the use of international standards, has evaluated several parameters, such as access to static websites, including the YouTube homepage, video streaming, sending and receiving emails, file upload and download, latency measurement and website access time. All tests were conducted with commercially available USB modems, smartphones and specific software.

“During 2012 and 2013 we have increased the network capability and are providing a network with speeds of up to 42Mbps in Yerevan, Gumri, Vanadzor and Etchmiadzine and 21Mbps in all other cities and villages. I am happy to note that we are continuing to be the leading quality network in Armenia and have even improved our performance compared to the study performed by P3 Communications in last December. We are pleased that our strategic focus on network quality is bearing its fruits. Along with this, new villages were covered by Orange during the last months. Some of them, like Antaramut and Kachachkut villages of Lori region or Geghanush and Gomaran villages of Syunik Region, are benefitting from telecom services for the first time”, said Francis Gelibter, CEO of Orange Armenia.

In Armenia, the measurements took place from June 15 to June 29, 2013 in Yerevan, Gyumri, Vanadzor, and Etchmiadzin considering that almost 80% of the data traffic is generated in these areas due to concentration of population. Measurements were made in city centres, business, commercial and suburban areas, with around 19% of measurements performed in motion, travelling within cities.