12:47 | 25.04.13 | News | 2199

    Contest of best review of British Film Festival summed up

    The awards ceremony of the contest of best review of the films within the 11th British Film Festival will be held in Bureaucrat bookstore at 15:30 on April 26.

    To support development of film review and cinema criticism in Armenia, the British Council, British Embassy to Armenia and general sponsor of the festival ArmenTel jointly with the Armenian Association of Film Critics and Cinema Journalists announced the contest of best film review.

    The participants should write a review on the films of the festival and the authors of the best 3 works will be awarded, ArmenTel reports.

    It's the second consecutive year that the contest of best film review has been announced with the British Film Festival.  All the interested persons are eligible to take part in the contest. The participants of the contest held on March 6 -17 wrote reviews on the festival films which are available on www.britfilms.am.

    25 review took part in the contest this year and the jury selected three of them as the best. Gohar Hakobyan, correspondent of "Aravot" daily, got the first prize - Apple iPad 4.

    "As a journalist, I am aware of the contests but I have a principle to only take part in the authoritative contests. If any contest is linked to the British Council, I am sure the standards of the contest are high and the works are examined by professional and impartial jury. I am proud to have taken part in the contest and awarded the grand prize. I had pleasant emotions when I learnt about it", said Gohar Hakobyan.