16:02 | 18.01.13 | News | 3102

    Beeline network services over 11mln calls

    "ArmenTel" (Beeline trademark) announced today that all the technical systems of the company across Armenia operated without faults both on New Year's Eve and following vacations. There were no registered outages in the mobile and landline networks of the company.

    Over December 31, 2012 - January 1, 2013, the Beeline network serviced over 11.7mln calls. Over the same period, the mobile subscribers of the company sent over 600 thousand SMS.

    It should be noted that all in all, over 188Terabytes of traffic was transferred through the external channels of the company on December 31 and January 1. The volume of information is almost equal to 3 million volumes of illustrated "Britannica" encyclopedia and is about 5 time more than the whole information preserved in the library of the U.S. Congress.