04:07 | 19.10.12 | News | 3613

    ArmenTel penalized at AMD 30mln: the fine to be appealed in court

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition (SCPE) of Armenia made a decision to penalize ArmenTel at AMD 30mln today due to unfair competition, the Commission found out.

    The Commission launched legal proceedings against ArmenTel based on the application - complaint filed by \"Alias\" Ltd.

    At today\'s session of the Commission, representative of \"Alias\" Ltd Levon Khalatyan said that the company\'s representatives used ArmenTel\'s \"Exclusive Business\" tariff plan. According to the information placed on ArmenTel\'s site, 1MGB  GPRS internet costs AMD 49 but some time later it turned out that the company charged AMD 90 per 1MGB.

    During the legal proceedings, ArmenTel explained that some options should have been set for using the tariff at AMD 49. According to the Commission, the consumer wasn\'t properly informed about the necessity of settings.

    Chairman of SCPE Artak Shaboyan  said that according to the Commission\'s investigation, ArmenTel misled the consumers and it\'s an example of unfair competition as a result of which it was decided to penalize the company at AMD 30mln.

    \"I call on all the ArmenTel\'s subscribers to make sure the prices fixed in the tariff plan are true and demand compensation otherwise\", said Artak Shaboyan.

    ArmenTel representative didn\'t attend the session. ArmenTel\'s spokeswoman Anush Begloyan told Mediamax that the company doesn\'t agree with the decision made by the SCPE and thinks the decision biased and will appeal it in court.