15:54 | 26.06.12 | News | 3732

    Orange introduces system of phones eco-rating

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. Orange Armenia and the Armenian branch of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) started cooperation for the sake of preservation of Armenia’s nature within which system of phones eco-rating is introduced.

    From now on, phones and smartphones sold in the Orange Armenia shops and eshop.orangearmenia.am online shops will be supplied with eco-rating which will show what impact the phone exerts to the environment in terms of technologies used during its production.

    Phones eco-rating is estimated under the scale of 1-5: the more the rating – the less the ecological impact of the phone.

    “The system will set a culture of a responsible consumer in Armenia and responsibility for the environment is the basis for our company’s activity and philosophy”, said Orange Armenia CEO Bruno Duthoit.

    The phone with the highest eco-rating in Orange Armenia shops belongs to Nokia. Armenia is the fourth country in Orange geography where the phones and smartphones eco-rating system is introduced.

    As part of the cooperation with the WWF, 1% of sales of each smartphone or phone in Orange Armenia sales centers will be provided to the branch of the World Wildlife Fund in Armenia. The funds will be allocated to preservation of endangered animals, improvement and development of nature and tourism.