16:57 | 30.05.12 | News | 3785

ArmenTel to support Armenian squad\'s fan-club

ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) will support the events organized by the “First Armenian Front” FAF NGO, representing the fan-club of the Armenian National Football Team.

The relevant memorandum was signed in ArmenTel head office today.

“I am sure the devoted fans of the Armenian squad are people who worry not only about the team but also about the whole country. This is why we decided to support the FAF movement, which unites different people and forms a culture of a fan movement in Armenia. We hope the movement will grow with our assistance, ” said ArmenTel CEO Igor Klimko.

“The cooperation between the fan club and a large company is the first example in Armenia\'s history. On behalf of the FAF I would like to thank ArmenTel for supporting our initiatives and for helping the fans of our country\'s national team,” said FAF leader Edgar Petrosyan.

The fan club was founded in 2007 and unites the fans from Armenia and the Diaspora.