15:55 | 11.05.12 | News | 4437
Yerevan/Mediamax/. “Start Divide” (STAR trade chain) and “ArmenTel” CJSC (Beeline brand) announced the start of a long-term cooperation program.
Within the framework of the joint initiative, Beeline sales and service offices will open in STAR supermarkets and clients will be able to get all the scope of communication services provided by “ArmenTel”. First Beeline office already operates in STAR supermarket located at 48/1Avetisyan street, Yerevan. In the nearest future, Beeline offices will be open in other supermarkets of STAR chain.
A new commercial STAR call-center is established within the cooperation. Calling to “8090” number the clients will be able to get information on the addresses and hours of operation of STAR supermarkets, special offers and campaigns, availability of items, exchange rates at the supermarkets etc. Besides, the clients may leave their wishes and offers on the phone and get to know about their balance on “Star Card” bonus card.
“Synergy of services is a modern trend in the global practice – both from the standpoint of convenience and effective resource management. Our technologies and work experience of one of the largest supermarket chain in the country, STAR company, allow us bring the client servicing up to a new level. STAR supermarket chain is our strategic partner and it’s a great achievement”, noted ArmenTel CEO Igor Klimko.
“With the expansion of STAR chain in the capital and Armenian regions, the number of buyers is increasing on a daily basis. The issue of their quick and effective services is our priority goal. The ArmenTel choice as a partner for establishing Call-Center was based on its major experience with large companies and the trust in the technologies the company uses”, noted STAR Executive Director Vahan Qerobyan.
The call to 8090 number from Beeline fixed network numbers is free.