17:03 | 02.04.12 | News | 4732
Yerevan/Mediamax/. Students of Yerevan’s secondary and higher education institutions Armen Hayrapetyan, Albert Hovhannisyan and Anna Hunanyan became the winners of the national round of “Red Bull Paper Wings 2012” sponsored by ArmenTel (Beeline trademark).
The final held in Yerevan on March 31, the paper plane of the student from Yerevan State University Armen Hayrapetyan became the best in “Range of the Flight” category with a result of 34.8 meters. Student of Armenian State Engineering University Albert Hovhannisyan won in the category of “Flight Duration” – his plane was in the air for 6.63 seconds. A student from Polytechnic College Anna Hunanyan was the first in “Aerobatics” category. The winners of the national round will represent Armenia in the final of the world championship.
“We are glad to give the students an opportunity to participate in this incredible contest. I congratulate the heroes of paper aviation with all my heart. We can say that your planes have already reached Austria and I wish your “flight” not to finish in that point”, said ArmenTel’s spokeswoman Anush Begloyan.
Paper plane contests within the national round of “Red Bull Paper Wings 2012” have been held in 3 categories: “Flight Range”, “Flight Duration” and “Aerobatics” (demonstration of top performance figures). Red Bull Paper Wings has been held since 2006 in Austrian Salzburg town once in 3 three years. Students from various countries take part in the contests. This year, representatives of 85 countries will compete for the title of world’s champion.