15:53 | 13.03.12 | News | 4041

    “Virtual Museum of the Armenian Diaspora” opens

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. The Ministry of Diaspora launched the site of “Virtual Museum of the Armenia Diaspora” today (www.armdiasporamuseum.com).

    Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan stated that the trilingual site (Armenian, English and Russian) contains full information on the Armenian communities of Diaspora, history of establishment of Armenian organizations and their activities, Mediamax reports.

    The site also informs about all-Armenian organizations, activities of spiritual and cultural-educational institutions as well as monuments of the Armenian culture.

    Hranush Hakobyan said that the version of the site in Western Armenian will also be launched till the end of the year.

    The Armenian state budget allocated AMD6mln for the implementation of the project.