11:43 | 23.09.11 | News | 5154

    ESWC qualifiers to kick off in Yerevan

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. Edge Gaming Company with the support of ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) announces the qualifying round for the international Electronic Sports World Cup (ESWC).

    Competitions in FIFA 11, PES 2011, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare2, Counter Strike 1.6 games will be held within the framework of the tournament. The qualifiers will be held in two stages. The first round will be held on September 24-25 in Nexus Computer Club on Pro evolution soccer 2011 football stimulator and FIFA 11. The second round is due on October 1-2 in Congress Hotel. The participants will compete on First Person Shooters -Counter Strike and Call of Duty.

    The best two gamers in FIFA 11 discipline will visit France to take part in ESWC quarter finals.

    All those willing to participate in ESWC tournament in Armenia should register at www.edge.am.

    “Supporting cyber sports championships is another opportunity for our company to bolster the development of the Armenian youth. A new culture of communication appears in the world with the development of new computer technologies. Young people get interested in modern trends of technical progress and the cyber sports is not an exception. I believe with the expansion of Internet penetration the popularity of cyber sports in Armenia will grow and our young people will take their worthy place among the winners of international games,” ArmenTel CEO Igor Klimko said.

    “For Armenian gamers the participation in ESWC is not simply an opportunity to spend time but also a good chance to make them known throughout the cyber world. We are glad to cooperate with ArmenTel Company which supports already the second large cyber games championship during this game season,” Director of Edge Gaming Edgar Sahakyan said.

    The Electronic Sports World Cup is a prestigious international game tournament. The ESWC is considered to be the second one after the World Cyber Games championship by its scale. The championship has been held since 2003. In 2009, a 5-day championship will be held in Paris Disney Land.