16:59 | 14.07.11 | News | 3253

    “Mega Summer” Hi Line action is extended up to July 31

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. “ArmenTel” (trademark Beeline) extended the term of Hi Line “Mega Summer” action for all the residents of Armenia.

    The clients who will activate one of the unlimited tariff plans of Hi Line “Mega+” service till July 31 will get the chance to use the service free of charge within the first 3 months.

    “Hi Line “Mega Summer” action aroused great interest among the country’s residents and we decided to extend its terms”, mentioned ArmenTel CEO Igor Klimko.

    By signing a contract on the service within the framework of Hi Line “Mega Summer” action, the client will get the modem and the internet connection free of charge. The subscriber can’t change the tariff plan of the service over the first three months, and within next 9 months he can switch to Hi-Line “Mega +” tariff plan which provides more speed.

    In the “Mega +256”, “Mega +512”, “Mega + 1024” tariff plans at night – from 01:00 up to 01:00 – the channel bandwidth doubly increases.

    In the “Mega+ 2048” tariff plan the incoming bandwidth increases up to 3 MBps at night, and the outgoing bandwidth will make up to 896 KBps.

    In case of renunciation of the service within 12 months from the moment the contract was concluded,  the subscriber must pay the monthly subscriber charge difference between the unlimited Hi Line and “Mega+” tariff plans with analogical speeds for the period of use and the modem cost.