10:03 | 16.06.11 | News | 2985

    VivaCell-MTS has rendered AMD 25 million of assistance to the Agriculture and Village Assistance Fund

    VivaCell-MTS allocated AMD 25 million for supporting Armenian farmers in Armavir and Aragatsotn regions, which suffered the most from hails and rainfalls.

    “In order to mitigate the consequences of the hail and support the farmers who have suffered the most, the Ministry of Agriculture has asked the Union of Businessmen, IT-enterprises, banks and private entrepreneurs for help, and VivaCell-MTS was the first to respond to that call and render assistance to the Agriculture and Village Assistance Fund in the amount of AMD 25 million. These means were used by the Ministry of Agriculture for buying seeds of orchard crops”, the company informed.

    “The Company is driven by the belief that agriculture, one of the drivers of the national economy providing jobs to hundreds of thousands of people, should be supported by all means in order to reduce work emigration, promote local production as well as to secure the competitiveness of Armenian agricultural production in the domestic market”, VivaCell-MTS said.