13:12 | 19.04.11 | News | 4401
Yerevan/Mediamax/. Director General of “ArmenTel” CJSC Igor Klimko said today that it’s been already 16 years that the company “has been the key player on the Armenian telecommunications market.”
Igor Klimko said this at the First Armenian-Russian Interregional Forum in Yerevan today, Mediamax reports.
“The company has always been at origins of telecommunications industry, and today, due to Russian investments, it is the main driver of high technologies in the country. We are represented in all segments of the telecommunications market,” Igor Klimko stated.
He noted that after “VimpelCom” acquired “ArmenTel” in 2006, a new business strategy aimed at the complex development of country’s telecommunications sector has been formed.
“It resulted in a boom of demand for broadband Internet, bolstered development of the Armenian Internet-sector and became the groundwork for the development of e-governance, e-commerce and new types of media. Investments totaling hundreds of millions of dollars, strive for the equal development of the capital and regions, elaboration of new marketing initiatives and the balanced price policy allow us regularly improving our offers and remain the leader of development of the whole telecommunications sphere of Armenia,” Igor Klimko said.
He also noted that “in conditions of toughened competition in the mobile sphere “ArmenTel” Company stably multiplies its subscriber base.”
According to Igor Klimko, in 2010 the company managed to treble the number of users of broadband internet up to 70 000.
“ArmenTel” has chosen mobile and broadband Internet as a priority direction for future development,” “ArmenTel” Director General concluded.