17:42 | 25.03.11 | News | 5589
Yerevan/Mediamax./ Telcell payment system announced the launch of a new service – express payment of services of legal entities’ state register.
Mediamax was informed in “TelCell” Company that from now on, the process of payments for over 25 state duties for state registration of legal entities via Telcell terminals will take no more than 1 minute. After completion of the payment transaction, an SMS notification with the details of the payment will be sent to the payer’s cell phone.
One can pay for the service 24/7 by means of 300 Telcell payment reception points. The process of payment is as simple as the payment for mobile connection services.
“Succeeding in realization of analogous payment services, today Telcell provides the users a new approach for payment for state duties and dues, which has no analogy in Armenia. At that we single out two completely different aspects: the speed of the payment for the service by the payer and the speed of the project implementation”, Executive Director of “TelCell” CJSC Aram Azatyan stated.
Previously Telcell payment system has launched a number of services, allowing paying fines to the Traffic Police, package of utility services by one payment and sale of CTP policy through the payment terminal in express mode.