17:31 | 14.03.11 | News | 3356

    Orange supported the furnishing of Vahan village in Gegharkunik region

    Orange and “Shen” Charitable NGO continue implementing charitable projects, directed to development of rural communities in Armenia. By implementing such projects in the frames of this strategic partnership, Orange and Shen have in the center of their activity children.

    The opening of Vahan village marks the start of 2011 charitable programm by Orange and Shen directed to community development, which is mainly directed, as in 2010, to remote, border and vulnerable communities of Armenia. 

    The Vahan village has 1228 inhabitants. The kindergarten was initially planned to host 20 children, but as a result of numerous requests the project was extended and the kindergarten is ready now to welcome 40 pupils. The restauration of the kindergarten is done by the means of USAID, CHF and Shen, and Orange has provided its furnishing, by providing 5,945,000 AMD. The community also has actively participated in the project.

    Bruno Duthoit, Orange CEO said: “As a company which plays an important role in the economy of the country, we want to have our investment not only in telecommunication domain, but in other domains as well. Many projects implemented during last year gave very good results. The proofs are kindergartens and gyms that today welcome a lot of pupils. If we just consider the case of one of computer centers – in Aragats village for example, we’ll see that only in 5 months there were 2000 visits in this small village.”