11:46 | 03.03.11 | News | 4857
Yerevan/Mediamax/. “VivaCell-MTS” believes that VAS-operators in Armenia gradually develop, making the necessary investments and introducing equipment and technologies.
“VivaCell-MTS” press service said this, commenting on Mediamax’s request on cooperation with VAS operators and the market of those services.
VAS-operators (Value Added Services) provide additional services by means of mobile operators’ network: SMS-services, ringtones, multimedia, etc.
“In a market with a high level of saturation, VAS becomes an important factor of competitive advantage of a mobile operator”, “VivaCell-MTS” press service noted.
“According to our assessments, VAS-operators in Armenia gradually develop, making the necessary investments and introducing equipment and technologies. On the other hand, as a leading mobile connection operator in Armenia, “VivaCell-MTS” offers all the necessary platforms, with the help of which VAS-operators will be able to offer their services. One cannot yet state that VAS market is fully established in Armenia. The sphere is still at the stage of formation. It is expected that it will undergo significant changes, and the fact will influence on the price chain of all the participants, operators, suppliers of technologies, as well as on the content of the providers. Various competitions, quizzes, chats, SMS acquaintances, voting, games and video are widely popular”, the company noted.
General Director of Orange Armenia Bruno Duthoit informed Mediamax that “when we speak of Value Added Services in the telecommunication market, we should take into account a few factors: the age and the maturity of the market, the level of mobile connection penetration, as well as the volume and the solvency of the market”.
“I believe that, taking into consideration all these factors, one can say that the Armenian market of multimedia services is well developed. There are a few suppliers of VAS services, with which we cooperate within the framework of various projects. They are professionals and at the same time are very flexible, and it is easy to realize all our projects with them”, Orange Armenia General Director stated.
Spokeswoman of “ArmenTel” Anush Begloyan informed Mediamax that “our company has been for a long time successfully cooperating with the largest and the most serious providers of VAS services and we can say with confidence that these companies stand out by their professionalism and a responsible attitude towards business”.