Yerevan/Mediamax/. State Committee for the Protection of Economic Competition (SCPEC) of Armenia warned “ArmenTel” CJSC (Beeline trademark) today “for the effort to mislead subscribers and for demonstration of unfair competition”.
Mediamax reports that the warning was issued as a result of an investigation, initiated by the Committee, based on a publication in media.
According to the publication, the subscriber purchased 1000 AMD replenishment card from a service point, aiming at using the services of mobile internet at night. Later on the subscriber found out that he could not use the service, since there was less than 360 AMD on the balance. Besides, after consuming the account, 83 AMD was withdrawn from the subscriber’s account, and neither the service point nor the website of “ArmenTel” informed on this.
According to SCPEC Chairman Artak Shaboyan, the Committee considered such actions by the operator an effort to mislead the subscriber and demonstration of unfair competition, however, taking into account the readiness of compensate for the damage, a decision was made to apply minor sanction against the operator: warning.
Artak Shaboyan noted that SCPEC discussed this problem with the Public Service Regulatory Committee, which also considered the actions of the operator demonstration of unfair competition.
“Taking into account the fact that such cases in the market of mobile connection may repeat, the activity of the operators will from now on be in the center of the Committee’s attention”, SCPEC Chairman summed up.