14:22 | 11.06.10 | News | 3141

    “VivaCell-MTS” holds a contest, devoted to World Football Cup

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. “VivaCell-MTS” announced launch of contest today, devoted to World Football Cup, launching today.

    As Mediamax was informed in the press service of the company, the winners of the competition will receive 2010 minutes of free airtime inside the network. In order to participate in the contest, “VivaCell-MTS” subscribers should send the code of the winner country to the 2010 short number by July 1. The list of countries is available at the official website of the company at www.vivacell.am.

    The cost of one SMS till June 20 will make 500 AMD, from June 21 to 25 – 1000 AMD, and from June 26 to July 1 – 2000 AMD.

    Subscribers of “VivaCell-MTS” may also watch the World Cup online directly in their cell phone, by visiting gol.mts.am website.