12:09 | 28.04.10 | News | 3811

    Beeline supported realization of “What? Where? When?” championship among representatives of national communities of Armenia

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. Beeline supported realization of “What? Where? When?” games championship among representatives of national communities of Armenia.

    As Mediamax was informed in the press service of Beeline, representatives of Assyrian, Belarusian, Greek, Georgian, German, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian communities of Armenia participated in the intellectual competition, devoted to the 65th anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War.

    “The championship gathered representatives of various peoples, living in our country. The Great Victory over fascism 65 years ago united all the people, just like the memory of it unites us today”, Head of “ArmenTel” Public Relations Service Anush Begloyan stated.

    The best result as to answers to questions, concerning the Great Patriotic War, was demonstrated by the team of the Russian community. The second place was occupied by representatives of the Georgian, and the third place – by representatives of Polish community. All participants received memorable gifts from “ArmenTel” CJSC.