14:21 | 09.04.10 | News | 5033
Yerevan/Mediamax/. U!Com offers the service of unlimited broadband internet with the transmission capacity of 1Mb/sec for 8000 AMD per month.
Mediamax reports that Director of the Company Hayk Yesayan and Sales Manager Aram Barseghyan informed today that, by starting sales in December, 2009, the Company managed to increase transmission capacity of its network 8 times in a few months and offer individual and corporate customers “the most affordable tariffs in the Armenian telecommunication market”.
The company offers 4 unlimited tariff plans (1Mb/sec for 8000 AMD per month, 1.5Mb/sec – 12 000, 2.5Mb/sec – 20 000 AMD and 4Mb/sec – 37 000 AMD).
Tariffs of U!Com will be placed at the company website tomorrow.
Hayk Yesayan informed that they started provision of IP Television service on April 1 and in the nearest 2-3 months they will also launch provision of IP Telephony service. Director of the Company noted that by connecting to IP Television service, the subscriber will gain the chance to watch 31, 51 or 76 channels (including 10 Armenian channels) in high resolution at the monthly price of 3900, 5900 and 8500 AMD respectively. The company also offers “Video on demand” service.
Hayk Yesayan stated that the company provides services in the entire area of Yerevan Kentron community now. It already has about 1500 subscribers there.
“Since early May, the Company’s services will be provided in Davidashen community, and within 4-5 months - in Arabkir and Kanaker-Zeytun communities. By mid 2011, we intend to have covered entire Yerevan by our network and start providing coverage outside it”, Hayk Yesayan stated.
He also noted that U!Com does not oblige subscribers to conclude a yearly contract for service provision.
“As to price/quality correlation, we have passed ahead of services, provided by Azerbaijani providers, but we have not yet reached the level of Georgia, where unlimited transmission capacity of 1Mb/sec costs about 4000 AMD”, Hayk Yesayan stated.
The cost of U!Com services for the corporate sector ranges from 15 to 780 thousand AMD and includes a wide spectrum of services, like internet, IP Television and Telephony, hosting, domain name registration, data storage and transmission, co-location, etc.
U!Com Sales Manager Aram Barseghyan noted that the company offers the corporate sector to temporarily use services of the company free of charge to make sure their choice is right.
U!Com purchases internet from GNC-Alfa and FiberNet wholesale providers.