14:17 | 02.03.10 | News | 4084
Yerevan /Mediamax/. Orange Armenia presented new spring offers, devoted to Women’s Holidays, today.
As Marketing Director of Orange Armenia Aram Mkrtchyan stated in Yerevan today, since March 1 and up to April 7, all, who activate “Let’s Talk” tariff plan, will receive 1000 free of charge minutes inside Orange Armenia network and the opportunity of 1000 free of charge SMS messages in all directions, including foreign operators of mobile connection.
“New subscribers of the postpaid tariff plan “Each Month” will receive a “silver” or “bronze” number free of charge and a lady’s cell phone for a special price with 6 month subscription term, and the payment for the 7th month will make 0 AMD”, Aram Mkrtchyan stated.
He also informed on the holiday offer for new subscribers of Orange internet connection: users, who get connected to Orange network from March 1 to April 7, will receive double volume of high speed internet for ordinary tariffs, as well as a stylized lady’s modem.
“All gift packages also have small surprises for our subscribers”, Aram Mkrtchyan stated.
Marketing Director informed that within the framework of the holiday month, Orange Armenia has prepared a surprise for residents of Dashtadem village of Aragatsotn marz: jointly with “Shen” charitable organization, a modern computer center will be opened in Dashtadem soon, where the village’s women will be able to take computer and internet skills classes free of charge before April 7.