13:00 | 13.02.10 | News | 2962

    iCON Communications launched new tariff plans

    Yerevan /Mediamax/. iCON Communications announced the launch of iCON GO, a special promotion for February and March 2010.

    As with other iCON service plans, the iCON GO program consists of 4 flat monthly tariff plans.

    Plans start with iCON GO entry (up to 128 kbps down) at 7000 drams (VAT included), to iCON GO optima at 20,000 drams (up to 1,024 kbps down). iCON GO connect (up to 256 kbps down) is now 10,000 drams, and iCON media (up to 512 kbps down) is 15,000 drams.

    iCON GO is available both to new customers, as well as existing iCON customers that would like to migrate to these new plans.

    iCON also announced a general decrease in prices to all existing customers as of March 1, 2010. iCON postpaid and iCON Arag customers will pay lower monthly fees for iCON connect, media and optima, without having to change their service plans – the changes will be reflected automatically on their March 2010 invoice.

    Further details are available on www.icon.am/offerings.