10:17 | 01.02.10 | News | 3545

    Mediamax announced the launch of ticket sales for Ian Gillan’s concert in Yerevan

    Yerevan /Mediamax/. Mediamax announces the launch of ticket sales for Ian Gillan’s concerts with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Armenia, which will take place in “Aram Khachatryan” concert hall on March 26 and 27.

    The tickets are available for purchase in the ticket office of Yerevan Philharmonic. The ticket office is open every day from 11:00 to 19:00.

    The cost of tickets makes: 5 thousand AMD (circle), 10 thousand AMD (amphitheatre and parquet), 15 thousand AMD (amphitheatre and parquet), 20 and 25 thousand AMD (amphitheatre and parquet). More detailed information is available here: http://mediamax.am/images/philarmonic_large.jpg.

    The entire proceeds from ticket sales will be spent for reestablishing music school N 6 in Gyumri, which Gillan visited on October 1, 2009.

    The concerts are organized by Mediamax. “VivaCell-MTS” mobile connection operator is the general sponsor. bmi Airlines is the official partner and air carrier.