17:38 | 22.09.09 | News | 4132

    Subscribers do not always “run for cheap offers”, “VimpelCom” Head stated

    Yerevan /Mediamax/. General Director of “VimpelCom” OJSC Alexander Torbakhov refuted in an interview to Mediamax today the suppositions that the visit of the Company’s top management to Yerevan is somehow related to the upcoming entry of Orange Armenia Company to the Armenian market.

    Alexander Torbakhov noted that “VimpelCom” functions in 10 countries, and the leadership of the company consistently visits all regions and does not see a need in special efforts in connection with the soon entry of France Telecom to the Armenian market. According to him, “VimpelCom” has significant experience of competition with companies, which keep to various strategies of business running”.

    “We are present in many CIS countries and in South-Eastern Asia, this is why competition with Orange Armenia will not become any new revelation for us”, General Director of “VimpelCom” stated.

    Answering the question on possible reduction of tariffs after the entry of the third mobile connection operator to the market, Alexander Torbakhov stated that “it is impossible to consider price taken apart from other components of market offer, in particular, quality and variety”. Head of the company expressed confidence that the subscribers do not always “run for cheap offers”.

    “We never jump the gun as to the issue of price competition. The practice shows that there are always cheaper offers in the market, however Beeline occupies leading positions due to quality and variety of our product set”, General Director of “VimpelCom” OJSC summed up.