14:59 | 19.08.09 | News | 4148

    New tariff schedule of interconnect between ArmenTel, VivaCell-MTS and Orange Armenia is approved

    Yerevan /Mediamax/. Today Public Services Regulatory Committee (PSRC) of Armenia approved new tariff schedule of interconnect between the networks of ArmenTel, VivaCell-MTS and Orange Armenia operators, which will come into effect since January 1, 2010.

    Head of Telecommunications Department of the Committee Gevorg Gevorgyan informed today that quadrilateral memorandum on mutual understanding on interconnect payments was signed among the operators and PSRC on August 7.

    Until January 1, 2011, the operators obliges to use proportional decreasing payments on interconnect from 10 to 60% in six-month section, based on realistic forecasts, as well as to introduce single tariff in the amount of 11.4 AMD for interconnect traffic since June 1 2011.

    At that the representative of PSRC said that it is planned to bring tariff to call termination from mobile to landline network from 9.72 to 9 AMD during the same period.

    Gevorg Gevorgyan said that PSRC offered to make separate decision concerning the tariff for international calls termination, as at present there are controversial issues, touching exclusively two acting operators. He said that tariff for international calls termination will make 12 U.S. cents after July 1 2011.

    Directors of all three companies expressed content by the Committee’s decision. 

    General Manager of VivaCell-MTS Ralph Yirikian said that the company has been always operating within the framework of PSRC decisions and will continue adhering to the same policy.

    Director of ArmenTel Igor Klimko expressed an opinion that PSRC demonstrated professionalism, making "the most reasonable decision". As he said the regulator occupied weighed position and took into account all operators` interests. Director of ArmenTel said that new tariffs will gradually bring to decrease in call cost for end consumer.

    General Director of Orange Armenia company Bruno Duthoit stated that today’s decision brings Armenian market closer to European.