11:00 | 19.05.09 | News | 3748

AUA “Tech Squad” team won “Imagine Cup-2009” national tournament

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Team of the American University of Armenia (AUA) “Tech Squad” won the national tournament of international student competition of Microsoft – “Imagine Cup-2009”.

Mediamax reports that AUA team received a money award at the volume of $1500 and the right to represent Armenia in the finale of the international competition, which will take place in July in Egypt.

Imagine Cup-2009 subject is “Imagine the world, where IT may help solution of urgent problems”. “Tech Squad” presented Greendose project, a program which helps preventing certain illnesses, occurring as a result of long work with the computer.

“Such competitions help developing innovative way of thinking, technical and entrepreneurship skills among the youth. We supported which competition with pleasure, since students are the future of Armenia”, said Igor Klimko, General Director of “ArmenTel” Company, which is the general sponsor of the national round of “Imagine Cup-2009”.

Other sponsors of the national tournament of Imagine Cup where Competitive Armenian Private Sector program of U.S. Agency for International Development (CAPS USAID), “Enterprise Incubator Foundation”, Synopsys Armenia Company, UniComp and Dom Daniel.