14:57 | 12.01.09 | News | 4476

    Mobile operators believe that MNP possible implementation in Armenia should be accurately regulated

    Yerevan /Mediamax/. “ArmenTel” (Beeline brand) and VivaCell-MTS mobile operators commented on Mediamax’s request on the possibility of Mobile Number Portability (MNP) service implementation in Armenia, which allows the subscribers making a transition from one mobile operator to another, at that preserving the full number of one’s cell phone.

    “MNP implementation should be regulated by the law and it possesses both positive and problematic aspects. Firstly, the issue on how and by whom the number registration will be realized is a critical issue for any mobile operator. Besides, MNP implementation is related to significant expenses and, although it will lead to intensification of non-price competition, it can influence the company’s expenses and intensify corruption risks,” Beeline Spokeswoman Anush Begloyan stated in an interview to Mediamax.

    “VivaCell-MTS always encourages whatever activity that adds value to the customer’s lifestyle. Nevertheless MNP introduction should be directly liaised to norms rules and regulations.
    Operators will surely strive to better serve the customer. It is however of main importance to take into consideration the proper monitoring and control needed on operational level in terms of capital and operational expenditure and competition norms. Therefore, clear legislation should be developed and put in place by the regulating authority for the regulation of MNP prior to the full introduction of the service. As an operator we will act in full conformity with the legislation”, VivaCell-MTS PR Specialist Vahe Isahakyan stated in an interview to Mediamax.

    On January 9, Head of Telecommunication Department of the Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) of Armenia Gevorg Gevorgyan stated in an interview to Mediamax that PSRC is considering the possibility to implement Mobile Number Portability (MNP) service in the territory of the country, which would allow the subscribers shifting from one mobile connection operator to another, at that preserving the full number of one’s cell phone.
    He noted that, after the conclusion of the preliminary stage on studying European practice and the specific peculiarities of the local market, PSRC will present proposals on possible implementation of Mobile Number Portability service in Armenia.
    In the interview to Mediamax, Gevorg Gevorgyan refrained to name concrete dates for the start of a topical discussion on the given issue with operator, since MNP implementation provides for elaboration of an interrelation conception among them. He informed that initial working discussions have already been held with the current operators, however, “before committing the companies to millions of investment, PSRC should carry out thorough analysis and have the corresponding grounds”.