14:31 | 03.02.09 | News | 4645

    ADC enters regions of Armenia

    Yerevan /Mediamax/. Delta Partners Investment Firm participated in the capital of “Armenian Datacom Company” (ADC) at the volume of $6mln.

    Mediamax reports that General Director of ADC Harald Grytten said this at a news conference in Yerevan today.

    He noted that the given means will be directed to increase availability of internet services all over the republic, which, in its turn, will lead to development of telecommunication in general. According to Grytten, the primary task for ADC is the coverage of Armenia’s regions by a fiber-optic network, since a network with the length of 400km has already been set up in Yerevan.

    General Director of ADC stressed that the company has already elaborated new services, which will first of all be provided to employees of small offices and subscribers in apartments. He fount it difficult naming the tariffs, at which they intend to render internet services, noting that the emphasis will be made on highest quality and availability. According to him, the supposed speed of data transfer for subscribers in apartments will make from 512Kb to 2Mb.
    Harald Grytten informed that the main part of internet services will be provided directly by ADC, however, it is also planned to attract other companies to participate in the general package of services. “These will be services, based on voice protocol and electronic media”, he stated.
    Delta Partners Investment Firm (with its headquarters in Dubai), which manages capital of $75mln, invests into telecommunication and media projects in countries of CIS, Near East and Africa.
    Chief Technical Director of ADC Vahe Khachikyan said that “Armenian Datacom Company” (ADC) does not rule out its participation in fixed (landline) connection market of Armenia.
    He noted that everything will depend on the market, the number of subscribers in apartments, internet connection and their solvency. “Fixed connection is a sphere, to participate in which one should have a definite number of subscribers”, Vahe Khachikyan stated, adding that “if your company, let’s say, overcomes the minimum critical mass, it will undoubtedly get involved in fixed connection in Armenia”.
    General Director of ADC Harald Grytten informed that the company’s prospects include a study of the telecommunication market of Nagorno-Karabakh.
    According to him, NKR direction is not considered in the short-term program of the company, “however, this does not mean that we are not interested in this market”. “I do not rule out that in future we will consider new directions of our activity, including Nagorno-Karabakh”, Grytten stressed.
    He noted that in the period of its existence, ADC realized investments at the volume of over $6mln in the telecommunication sphere of Armenia.
    “The sum of investments is not important for us, the important thing for us is the efficient development of our company in general”, he stated, stressing that the cornerstone for the company’s activity is provision of affordable internet services.
    According to Grytten, as of today, ADC customers represent banking and financial sectors of Armenia, supermarkets, branch networks, etc.
    Armenian-Norwegian joint “Armenian Datacom Company” (ADC) was founded in April, 2006. The Company has set up and operates a broadband fiber-optic network in Yerevan. ADC network with the length of 400kn is based on ultramodern IP/MPLS technology.