14:23 | 04.04.22 | News | 14712

    A housewarming celebrated in Aygepar with the support of Viva-MTS

    In Aygepar village of Tavush region, only 400 m away from the territory of the enemy, the Sadyan family celebrated a housewarming.

    Father of four, contract serviceman Ashot and his spouse Christine, after living on rent for six years, finally bought a house and renovated it with the support of Viva-MTS and Fuller Center for Housing Armenia.

    “I am well aware that the view opening from your window makes you stay alert. I am also well aware that the families of military service people are absolutely realistic about the challenges of living in borderland villages. I cannot hide my reverence to all those families, which stay strong, unbroken, and optimistic and prove their patriotism with their everyday life. On our turn, we strive to stand by your side through programs and infrastructure development project like this,” Viva-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian said in the course of the video call.

    Viva-MTS and Fuller Center for Housing Armenia continue to keep especially families living in border villages at the focus of attention. Over the past ten years, only in Tavush region, 86 families have been provided with housing assistance, 22 of them in Aygepar village. Within the framework of the housing program, about 400 families in all regions of Armenia got housing assistance.