16:54 | 22.10.21 | News | 6191

With the support of Viva-MTS wild fruit trees planted in Gnishik

With the efforts of Viva-MTS and the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC), trees were planted in Gnishik settlement of Armenia’s Vayots Dzor region.

With the support of Viva-MTS 2000 wild fruit trees were planted. The selection of trees will contribute to resolving the conflict between the humans and the wildlife in the area.  The tree planting is organized within the FPWC’s “Forest Landscape Restoration in the Area of the Caucasus Wildlife Refuge” project.

Till now, wild oleaster, wild almond, wild pear and this year also wild apple were planted. After the planting, the trees are being taken care of until the newly planted seedlings become healthy trees, able to survive without additional irrigation.
Starting from 2016 tree planting activities are organized in the communal lands, introducing a completely new and experimental way of tree planting for Armenia, which allows to have healthy tree seedling from the seeds gathered from local forests. During these years around 350.000 trees were planted in Armenia.

With the Target Plant Concept methodology to grow the trees in a tree nursery, native wild fruit tree species were chosen. The selection of these tree species is conditioned by the specificity to the area. The methodology allows having a high survival rate both in the nursery and after the actual planting. By planting wild food trees reforestation also contributes to the resolution of the "human-wildlife" conflict, that is, providing sufficient food for wildlife in forest areas.

“The community development has always been in the focus of our attention. It implies comprehensive activities ranging from tree-planting to development of infrastructures. Though those are different issues and seem to be unrelated at first sight, they, however, are the various links of the fundamental process and are aimed at solving the same problem. Our purpose is to implement programs with long-term impact. That stems from our CSR strategy and the value system we adhere to. Anything that is done today will have an impact for many years to come,” Viva-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian said.

The partners have implemented many projects in Gnishik settlement. This year, a hay harvester and a mower were acquitted for the settlement. The new agricultural machinery will enable the residents of Gnishik to carry out the seasonal agricultural works more quickly and efficiently.