16:48 | 16.09.21 | News | 4002
Viva-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian presented his knowledge and experience in the fields of business leadership and management to the students within the framework of a special training at the invitation of the Leadership School.
He referred to the concepts of “Leadership” and “Management”, and then proceeded to introduce the principles of business management based on personal experience. He presented the main principles and tools of leadership and management mainly with examples of successful operation of Viva-MTS.
“Viva-MTS’ successful experience of creating a viable and exemplary company providing telecommunications and integrated digital services, achievements and challenges have formed a great experience that we have turned into knowledge and share with future leaders,” said Viva-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.
Ralph Yirikian drew the students' attention to the fact that there’s always a high probability to make mistakes, noting that in no case should one despair, that a mistake is a precondition for learning and very often also a new opportunity. “Fear of avoiding mistakes often leads to indecision and inability to make voluntary decisions, does not allow the management team to act quickly, and keeps the staff in uncertainty. In general, the way to implement an innovative idea is difficult and risky: it is one of the patterns of economic activity. Many of the successful entrepreneurs around the world have made mistakes. But at the same time, as a decision-maker, a manager must be able to admit his mistake, not blame others, and must be able to draw lessons.”
Yirikian also spoke about the continuous development of management systems. “The world is transforming at lightning speed, the demand for innovative ideas is growing even faster. To be the first, one should understand how well the company is in line with the needs of the time and new trends. And in order to keep pace with such changes, investments and the latest high-tech systems are necessary, although those are not sufficient conditions. Management systems need to be transformed. At Viva-MTS, we are carrying out structural transformations, working on the introduction of agile approaches, as well as modernizing operating systems,” he said.
According to Ralph Yirikian, a key feature of leadership is crisis management, rapid response and accessibility.
“One of the first steps to becoming a leader is to be proactive in the workplace. Avoid being in the comfort zone, choose unstable situations and environments, suffer, think, look for solutions, see the gaps that need to be filled. Look ahead, calculate your steps. Learn to be a strategist,” Yirikian said.
At the end of the lecture, Ralph Yirikian urged the young people to set goals and strive for them.