18:18 | 30.03.20 | News | 246972

Ucom makes online learning accessible for everyone

For over a week Ucom and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport are cooperating in distance learning. Corresponding materials are already available via Ucom’s uMediaroom mobile app nationwide in Armenia.

The company has added 12 more channels to the list of channels provided via the app – a channel per grade – which broadcast the video lessons made by the ministry.

Ucom mobile subscribers are not charged for watching the videolessons on uMediaroom, and they can do it anywhere.

Subscribers of Universal and uMix packages can use uMediaroom without mothly fee and other subscribers (including those of other operators) can downoload the app from Google Play and App Store and watch the channels for free for a month.

The same channels are available in the video rental (VoD) section, “Distance learning” subsection of uTV, organized by grade, date and subject.

“Ucom has always valued access to quality education in all Armenian marzes, which creates equal development opportunities for the younger generations. That is why our experts try to suggest inclusive solutions for distance learning for all Armenian citizens during the state of emergency,” said Ucom co-founder, Director General Hayk Yesayan.