17:28 | 12.03.20 | News | 8694

Ucom shares cyber-hygiene and cybersecurity practices

Ucom’s staff keeps on sharing knowledge and experience with high school pupils, their teachers, students and lecturers in Armenia. Around 123 people from all over Armenia took part in the “Cyber-Secure Armenia” information campaign held on March 11, 2020.

Given the importance of ensuring the cybersecurity, along with the growth of young users’ number as well as the rise of cybercrime, speakers have tackled upon the issues of cyber-hygiene, cyberbullying, cyber-trafficking, and the overall positive digital footprint.  

“Ucom employees are always willing to share their practical experience and knowledge with the most vulnerable groups of the cyber space that need it the most. For many years we have been consistently educating specifically pupils and are always ready to join efforts to raise public awareness in cyber security”, said Hayk Yesayan, the Co-Founder and Director General at Ucom.

On behalf of Ucom, the Head of Information Security Division Karen Gasparyan took part in the conference-discussion held within the frames of “Cyber-Secure Armenia”. Among speakers there were Anahit Parzyan, cyber security specialist, organizer of the event, Zhanna Andreasyan, the Deputy Minister of ESCS, Gevorg Hayrapetyan, Head of the MoJ Personal Data Protection Agency and others. The discussion was followed by a training course on cyber security rules.