11:16 | 11.10.19 | News | 9312

Beeline Armenia CEO delivers lecture at School of Young Leaders

Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin delivered a lecture at BuissUp School of Young Leaders.

The audience involved 70 participants aged 20-30 from different countries. Andrey Pyatakhin shared his success story, touching upon his career and personal growth. Having acquired working experience in various cities and countries, Beeline Armenia CEO emphasized the importance of integration, acceptance of new culture and the ability to work in new conditions. He also spoke about the skills that are necessary for every leader and successful manager.

“Your main helpers and mentors in improving your professional skills are your colleagues, managers and employees. Set ambitious goals every day and try to achieve those, becoming better today than you were yesterday. There are no unachievable goals, you shouldn’t be afraid of defeats and accept them as an invaluable experience, analyzing and making conclusions. This is the secret of success,” Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin said.

Andrey Pyatakhin’s speech took place within the frames of the cooperation between Beeline and Support Foundation of Young Leaders.