15:34 | 17.07.19 | News | 11738

Ucom completes the placement of AMD and USD bonds

With the support of "Armenbrok" investment company Ucom has completed the placement of AMD bonds with an annual coupon yield of 11% and USD bonds with an annual coupon yield of 7.5%.

Over 200 individuals and organizations, including pension and investment funds, banking, investment and high-tech organizations, were among the purchasers of Ucom bonds.

"Such interest and trust in Ucom is really obliging. The issue of bonds was a new challenge for us, the first phase of which we completed with honor. Ucom will continue to actively participate in the capital market, thereby also strengthening its position in Armenia," said Hayk Yesayan, the Co-founder and Director General at Ucom.

"I am pleased to announce that the issue of the first corporate bonds of Ucom has been successfully completed. Many individuals and organizations took part in the issue and we hope that this active involvement will continue on the Armenian stock exchange, where investors will be able to sell their bonds ahead of maturity date, and those investors, who did not have the chance to participate in the issue process, will be able to purchase their bonds," said Aram Kaifajyan, Director General at "Armenbrok" investment company.

It should be added that the announcement of the bonds’ public offer was registered with the Central Bank of the RA and is available here.