13:55 | 12.07.19 | News | 9278

Housing program continues with support from VivaCell-MTS

The housing problem remains unsolved in various regions of the republic and needs solution. Consistently and selflessly, VivaCell-MTS and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia have been implementing a housing project demonstrating a responsible approach. Their work encompasses identification of beneficiary families across the republic, needs assessment and organization of construction works.

The number of houses built over the years with the efforts of volunteers exceeds one hundred and is growing. This time, the construction works are underway in Tsovinar village in Gegharkunik.

The big family of Ter-Sahakyans has spent 10 winters in a half-built house and had to overcome multiple problems. For many years, Mher, and his young family, lived in the basement of his father’s house. The determination to seek a way out of the unbearable housing conditions has thrown him a new challenge; the young man has started the construction of a new house, but ten years of efforts haven’t given a result. The semi-constructed building has not become a home yet.

“We had to move to the half-built house. The 10 years spent here have been years of inconveniences and lack of basic housing conditions. All attempts to finish the construction were vain. Now, as I see the dedication and volunteering of the supporting organizations, I believe that one day my family will have an opportunity to live a comfortable life,” said Mher, the father of the family.

The heads and staff of the partner organizations, VivaCell-MTS and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia, visited the Ter-Sahakyans to assist and give a hand to the family through volunteering in roof insulation on the site.

“We have built many houses and talked to many families. Each of them is unique, yet there is a lot that they have in common – they are hardworking, optimistic, and have a strong willpower. Those of us here on the construction site working hand in hand are different, too, yet we are united by the desire to volunteer. And this program helps to make everyone feel good: home owners feel they are not alone, and get everyone’s positive vibes, and those who are here to work with them, including me, are happy to do some physical work away from office. Having all of us joining in for construction is a major achievement,” VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian said.

“This project implemented with VivaCell-MTS aims to awaken hope in people and keep them away from the idea of leaving their homes and their country. It is also a way to solve a major social problem. The family, who builds its house with own hands, has closer emotional ties to its country. The Ter-Sahakyans have been deprived of the pleasure of having their home for many years. They have tried to find solutions but have faced obstacles. I am glad to state that this family will have their home construction finished by the end of the year,” Ashot Yeghiazaryan, Fuller Center for Housing Armenia President, said.

The partners try to solve the problems in tight timeframes.