13:49 | 04.07.19 | News | 8728

    Beeline to increase monthly internet volume for subscribers

    Beeline has announced the increase of mobile internet volume within the frames of Giga services and Infinity tariff plans.

    Now the users of Giga 3, Giga 6 and Giga 12 services will receive 5 GB, 10 GB and 15 GB mobile internet instead of the previous 3 GB, 6 GB and 12 GB respectively, if they subscribe to or extend their subscription. That is why the services are renamed Giga 5, Giga 10 and Giga 15. Besides, Giga 1 service has become available with monthly payment of AMD 1000.

    The mentioned packages are available for subscribers of postpaid system.

    Beeline also improves the conditions of Infinity packages. Now the subscribers of Infinity 512 package will get 10GB per month instead of the previous 3GB, and subscribers of Infinity 1024 will get 15GB instead of the previous 5 GB.

    “Today mobile internet is not only a means of communication, but also quality media content: videos, high-quality films, music with high bitrate and so on. Increasing the quality requires significant volumes of internet, and Beeline wishes to provide its subscribers with quality content for the same price. I am convinced that our new offers will help, and our subscribers will continue to use our updated and improved services,” Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin said.