18:06 | 14.03.19 | News | 10731

Beeline Armenia CEO delivers lecture for Leadership School students

Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin has delivered a lecture on “Acquaintance with Beeline’s business model and corporate culture” for students of Leadership School.

“Developing professional skills today means setting new perspective goals every day. The more unachievable those goals seem, the more pleasant the victorious moment will be, and even failures will become invaluable experiences for you in the future. Today I will tell you about our company’s business model and development of corporate culture. This is the story of the company that always takes leading positions in all markets where it appears,” Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin said.

Andrey Pyatakhin’s lecture took place within the frames of cooperation between Beeline and Leadership School.

The event took place at Beeline Administrative Office.