16:49 | 26.12.18 | News | 21613

    VTB Bank (Armenia) and VivaCell-MTS launch joint promotion

    VTB Bank (Armenia) has launched a new promotion in cooperation with VivaCell-MTS.

    The promotion will be available until February 19 of 2019 and the customers will have the opportunity to apply for the loan and pay AMD 0 for the first two months from the application day.

    “VTB Bank (Armenia) suggests the customers to make purchases at VivaCell-MTS service centers and pay by installments using bank’s offer without having to cover the first two months,” the statement reads.

    The bank noted that taking loans from VTB Bank (Armenia) has the following advantages:

    -    Loan application without visiting the bank,
    -    Loan issuance within minutes,
    -    Minimum package of documents: passport, social card, as well as ID card or reference about salary in case of employees from law enforcement agencies

    Physical entities (Armenian residents) who have reached 21 years of age can take a loan from VTB Bank (Armenia).

    The details about the loan are available here (in Armenian).