15:49 | 03.12.18 | News | 12670

    Ucom participates in Business Innovation Forum in Dilijan

    The sixth annual two-day Business Innovation Forum titled “A path to modernization in Armenia” has finished in Dilijan.

    The participant of the forum, Co-founder and General Director at Ucom Hayk Yesayan noted that the company is mainly interested in 3 priority and strategic topics.

    “In particular, education, as we are a large employer in Armenia and we aim at integrating qualified employees and improving the qualifications of present employees. The second direction is cyber security, where our company is among leaders both when it comes to our team and relevant technical upgrading. The third direction is innovation, which is the base of further telecommunications. Together with our partners we get acquainted with strategic directions, which develop the world, we share knowledge, discuss issues not only on local but on international level, and we should put efforts to modernize current solutions that should be more secure for our subscribers and network as well,” Hayk Yesayan said.

    Business Innovation Forum has been implemented by UITE since 2013 under the auspices of Armenian Prime Minister. It’s been 3 years that Support to SME Development in Armenia project is the general partner of Business Innovation Forum.