12:01 | 03.11.18 | News | 13107

Beeline to provide 30% cashback for users of Autopayment service

Beeline will conduct a promotion for users of prepaid system, subscribed to Autopayment service.

Until December 31 of 2018 users of Autopayment for mobile phone payments will automatically receive 30% of the amount they pay.

“The option of automatic payment already allows hundreds of our clients to always be connected without having to worry about account refill. Even in this case we are first of all concerned about the simplicity and convenience, as the system monitors the availability of desired amount on subscribers’ accounts. We invite our subscribers to use this modern service, which became 30% more beneficial,” Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin said.

Maximal amount for the cashback cannot exceed AMD 6000. One can subscribe to the service of automatic payment on the company’s www.beeline.am webpage through “Payments” section. One can also set an amount, which will automatically be transferred to the account from the subscriber’s bank card, provided for the number.  If desired, subscribers can deactivate the service, change the transferred amount or details of the card.