14:05 | 25.10.18 | News | exclusive 19999

EPIC’s Fall 2018 Incubator Program involves 9 startup teams

The Entrepreneurship and Product Innovation Center (EPIC) at the American University of Armenia (AUA) kicked off the Fall 2018 Incubator Program this month with a reception to welcome the stellar group of nine startups.

EPIC representatives told Itel.am that the startups selected to participate in the Fall 2018 Program went through a rigorous application process. Thirty-three teams had applied to what has become a very popular and competitive program. After the initial screenings and interviews, selected applicants were invited to pitch their ideas to an independent panel of judges who then picked the nine teams accepted into the program.

The EPIC Fall 2018 incubator cohort includes Food.net, Rido, RenderChain, Internet of Cows, DD, Creatr, FinAssist, BeautyBook, and Edwise. Many of these startups had participated in EPIC’s Start-Up Boost Weekend.

The event, held at AUA’s newly inaugurated Student Union, was attended by AUA faculty, alumni, local and international entrepreneurs, investors, and the startup teams themselves.

The EPIC Incubator is a 12-week idea-stage startup incubation program that helps early-stage teams with idea validation and business model creation.

During the program, resident teams learn the lean startup framework and receive guidance and mentorship from seasoned entrepreneurs, as well as expert advice from professionals in various business domains.

“We have such a variety of ventures this fall ‒ from internet platforms for financial products, mobile booking of services, and film direction and production, to artificial intelligence, blockchain, and drones. A number of startup teams have already made considerable progress, while others are just starting with great energy and enthusiasm. All are ready to learn,” stated Professor Michael Kouchakdjian, Director of EPIC.

The Entrepreneurship and Product Innovation Center (EPIC) is a platform for promoting entrepreneurial education, cross-disciplinary collaboration, and startup venture incubation. EPIC provides an ecosystem for the American University of Armenia’s (AUA) emerging entrepreneurs consisting of first-class facilities and collaborative workspace, programs and events, and a network of mentors, advisors and investors.