17:21 | 04.10.18 | News | 15753
Within the frames of the joint program by Beeline Armenia and Republican Union of Employers of Armenia (RUEA), pupils from 5 schools get acquainted with technologies of solar energy collection and use.
The classes are organized and held with application of solar heating devices at Shirakatsy Lyceum International Scientific-Educational Complex.
“As one of the largest employers in Armenia, we are aware of the necessity of qualified specialists and importance of technical professions. Thus, we do everything possible so that school children get interested and acquainted with new technologies and the sector as a whole. We are very interested in the success of this project, and we are convinced that it will be helpful both for the participants and Armenian society,” Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin said.
Within the frames of the joint program by Beeline Armenia and RUEA, 340 school children and their teachers of physics receive knowledge about development trends in Armenia’s IT and engineering, as well as career planning. The program gives pupils the opportunity to visit organizations in the mentioned sector, particularly Beeline.