11:18 | 29.08.18 | News | 13862

VivaCell-MTS supports house renovation in Tatul village

The large family of Mkrtchyans lives in the village of Tatul, on the southeastern foothills of the Arteni Mountains. For about 10 years the family has lived in a half-built panel house with a deteriorated roof and lacking basic housing conditions; the walls of the house have become moldy and blackened due to cold and dampness.

Now, the new half-built building from tuff does not look like the old house at all; it's already several months the family father, Volodya, is doing construction work day and night in the frames of the housing project implemented by VivaCell-MTS and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia. He has already managed to not only to strengthen the walls but also to create new housing conditions.

''You can't imagine what a happiness it is when you can't and don't want to sleep because of being too tired, you want to sooner finish the construction of the house you have been dreaming of for so many years. Here is now, with each stroke of hammer the hope and belief for a better future also grows. I am so thankful, '' said the family father, Volodya.

The teams of VivaCell-MTS and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia joined the family to do the concreting of the floors. As a result of the support from partnering sides the Mkrtchyans' house will have a new and solid look.

“Together with our partners we have been striving to provide roof and shelter to families in need, for a properly tied roof symbolizes strong family ties. I hope the volunteers’ devotion on the construction site and their efforts will convey positive charges to both volunteers, and equally to the people who will be living in this house,” VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian said.

''It's already 10 years we are working with families in housing need. We have so far recorded that the hope and the positive emotions the families get as a result of the project are even more important than the building of the house in itself. It's important that the families supported believe in themselves, find solutions and by receiving a dignifying assistance they also express willingness to help other families in housing need. It's very valuable,'' said Fuller Center for Housing Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan.